DSA Journey: From Newbie to Ace

Hectic Days

Life has become really hectic these days. My college is literally torturing all students. Last, I wrote about how my mentor motivated the class to stay focused on DSA. It's been 2 days since then. I think the time for my continuous sitting has increased. It's recursion, the topic that I'm doing currently, simultaneously I might start stack and queues. It's really giving me good vibes, I might get a good job....hihihihi....who knows!

College professors has started giving us homework, I have to make some time for completing my experiment files, otherwise it'll affect my CGPA.

In midst of everything, all students were finally happy for the college off on Saturday, but they ate our holiday, and informed that class will be conducted. It's so humid & hot out there, I might melt down. I was hoping this Saturday I might speed up the DSA a little, but an engineer in tier-3 college can't even hope! Never mind, let's get back to work!

Questions Practiced:

  1. Sort an Array using Recursion

  2. Sort a Stack using Recursion

  3. Delete Middle element of a Stack

  4. Reverse a Stack using Recursion